Memberships and Certifications: Certified Organic by Oregon Tilth; certified by Animal Welfare Approved program.
Products: blackberries, eggs, goat cheese, raspberries
Farmers Market: Peoples Farmers Market on Wedneadays 2-7 Memberships and Certifications: Oregon Tilth
Located 1 mile north of downtown Jacksonville, we grow and handpick with care fresh and tasty peaches, nectarines, cherries, apples, plums and more. Old Stage Farm & Orchard is a family farm stand with flavorful fruit at its peak of perfection. Since 2012 we have only used Organic Materials Research Institute (OMRI) listed products and fertilizers. Farm Stand: Yes....
Gales Creek farm growing organic vegetables for CSA, farmers markets, and wholesale in Forest Grove, Cornelius, Hillsboro and Banks. Zephyr Organic's CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) is more than just a weekly subscription for organic, seasonal vegetables from your local farm - this is your opportunity to reconnect with the land, the outdoors, and the farmers who...