Raw Goat's Milk, Milk Soaps and Lotions, and All-Natural Spoon Fudge!! Farming Practices: Grass-Fed Dairy
Goffle Brook Farms is a full scale farmer's market/garden center located in Ridgewood Nj. Our farmer’s market carries a diverse and numerous selection of locally grown fruit and produce from growers within our regional area, many of the located right here in Bergen County. Our products are displayed professionally and tend to so as to provide the utmost in freshn...
Lone Hawk Farm grows a wide variety of organic vegetables, herbs, flowers and orchard fruits, available at the farm stand daily throughout the growing season. Seasonal farm dinners feature produce from the fields, and a venue for weddings and special events is available. Extra Products: vegetables herbs flowers orchard fruit Farm stand open daily throughout...
We do not claim to be organic, however our honey is truly raw, my husband has kept bees as a hobby for over 22 yrs. He does not heat, or filter the honey. He does not feed sugar or corn syrup to honey producing hives, but does the first few months of newly hived packages, which do not produce honey the 1st season. He does not medicate the bees in anyway, yes he does ...
A You-pick flower farm on the east coast of Iowa. We feature a beautiful Grant Wood landscape where you can pick flowers, herbs, eat a picnic lunch and dream about life at a slower pace. Extra Products: Local, Sustainable pesticide free flowers! Fresh herbs We feature the Summer Kitchen ... a gift shop filled with Locally handmade gifts. Check us out for hand-...
Plantmatter is a multi disciplinary plant project based in downtown Miami. We grow vegetables for local restaurants interested in seasonal farm to table crops, we maintain and install specialty small growing spaces, sell vegetable and perennial seedlings at a local farmers market and are publishing a guide to foraging for tropical edibles in winter of 2013.
Selling beef quarters online - we harvest from May through December. Also packaged beef all year long. Also, seed garlic, nursery products, dried flowers, soaps, shampoos, and pasture piglets!
We teach future farmers - and our CSA & Farmstand is their opportunity to deliver quality, organic produce to the local community. You don’t have to be a CSA member to shop our Farm Stand and support our students. Stop by the Farm Stand on Wednesdays between 2 to 4 pm where we’ll have produce arranged Farmer’s Market style. Pick up anything that catches your eye...
We grow everything using natural organic practices but are not organically certified. Farmers Market: We have a booth at the Downtown Denison Farmers Market every Sat. from 9:00 AM until noon. Farm Stand: We sell from our home produce that has been picked ahead of time from our own gardens. We have many vegetables and some fruits that can be picked by you. ...