Sam & Ellen Bowman's Organic Produce

6391 Sideroad 19 R.R.#1
Wallenstein, Ontario
N0B 2S0
519 698 2960

Certified Organic: UNSPECIFIED

Description: Fresh garden produce. Order ahead for better service! Also thru the spring season there's a wide variety of bedding plants and flowers for sale from the greenhouse

Hours: 9-7 mon - fri. 10 - 7 sat. Closed sunday
Directions. Find us on sideroad 19 off of Hwy 86 or line 86 as it may be called. It is a deadend road. The only access is from line 86. Across from sloman lane (which for some reason pops up on gps and our sideroad doesn't always)

Farms near Sam & Ellen Bowman's Organic Produce

Go Natural Health and Nutrition Centre Inc. WHITBY

121 Brock St N
Whitby, Ontario L1N 4H3
905 668 2661

Naturally Yours

290 Whitebread Line, RR 2
Port Lambton, Ontario N0P 2B0
519 784 1633


4565 Watson Road South RR1
Puslinch, Ontario N0B 2J0