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Georgia's GrassFed Beef and Natural Meats

14182 Cochran Rd
Waller, Texas
979 921 0000

Certified Organic: UNSPECIFIED

Products: beef, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, chicken, coffee, collards, cucumber, eggs, goat, green onions, honey, jerky, kale, kumquats, lamb, lettuce, melons, mustard greens, pork, summer squash, tomatoes, turkey, turnips, vinegar

Farms near Georgia's GrassFed Beef and Natural Meats

The Double G Hideout

Weatherford, Texas

Beulah Land Homestead

917 Marlow Rd.
Bells, Texas 75414

The Herb Cottage

442 CR 233
Hallettsville, Texas 77964